About Us

Welcome to Be Bitwise! We have a simple, but effective mission:

Provide a fun and informative platform about technology that speaks to all facets of society. Age, financial status, ethnicity, gender, or location shouldn’t be a barrier to anyone becoming proficient in tech.

We host a weekly podcast that provides a setting by which anyone can listen and gain a better understanding of technology. Our show is hosted by Bevan, Jen, and me, Alondo, and we provide a wealth of information that informs the masses.

Our mission is to provide information that will always be useful and relevant, and will be thoroughly explained so that all listeners will feel welcome and involved.

We are so excited for you to join in.

BIOS (as in biographies, not Basic Input Output System…)


My name is Alondo, and I’m a tech nerd through and through. My first technology memories were seeing what some older kids had programmed an Apple IIe to do at my elementary school and being astounded by my friend’s new Macintosh computer. Then, at 12 years old, my aunt gifted me a TRS-80, and I’ve been a hard core programmer ever since. In my spare time, I like to watch a good show or movie, listen to great podcasts so I keep learning, regularly volunteer, and try to pay as much attention as I can to my own fitness.


Welcome to our podcast! I am Jennifer and it feels great to be a part of this exciting endeavour!
I am not a tech nerd by nature, but I love using and learning about cutting-edge technology and it fascinates me to witness how it has morphed into a fluid part of our daily lives. I am a member of Generation X! I grew up when MTV was invented and Atari was on every kid’s Christmas wish list! In fact my first memory of technology was spending Saturdays playing Asteroids and Pac-Man! In my spare time I work out, research STEM and its role in education, search for sea glass, and spend a crazy amount of time at the beach.


From Atari 2600 to Commodore 64 to various Playstation consoles, I was an avid gamer growing up. However, I didn’t truly discover a true fascination with technology until I started learning about the internet and web design during my graduate studies for an English degree (Professional Writing) at ODU over twenty years ago (Has it been that long, really?!?). Since then, I’ve created, maintained and developed over 50 websites working in various ad agencies, international organizations, and I even freelance as a digital media designer and social media consultant. I still enjoy playing video games when my child will allow me the freedom, but I also enjoy reading/discussing comic books and watching films with my friends.