Uh, What’s a Bit and Why Is It Wise?

Before we get too deep into our podcasting, I thought it might be a good idea to explain a little bit about our shows namesake.

Let’s start with a bit. A bit is a small piece of data that computers use to essential do one thing, indicate true or false (essentially on or off). In a computer, that is typically indicated as a one or a zero. This is the basis of binary.

Bits make up all the data that is processed in a computer’s “brain”, which is called a central processing unit, or CPU for short. If you put eight of these bits together to represent something larger, they are referred to as a byte. These are used for everything, from rendering sound through a computers, to displaying colors on a monitor, to interpreting the keys that are pressed on a keyboard.

In computer programming, a bitwise operation is used to compare these bits and bytes against each other to determine similarities. This process has typically been the fastest way to perform calculations, as well, beating out the typical addition, multiplication, and division.

If any of our readers would like to learn more about how bitwise operators work, below are a couple useful links to help you out:

What is a Bitwise Operator? How Does it Work? -Tapasweni Pathak

Understanding Bitwise Operators – Jason Killian

Techopedia – What is Bitwise Operator